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Brand:  GearKeeper
Title:  Fly Fishing

Description:  Small Gear Retractor/Tether, Pin Mount, with Fly Patch, force 85 gr.(3 oz.), extension 71 cm (28 inch), Quick Connect at Retracting End


Discount:  If order amount is over € 100 Discount 5%
If order amount is over € 250 Discount 10%
If order amount is over € 500 Discount 15%
If order amount is over € 1000 Discount 20%

Long Description:  If you are tired of breaking zingers and losing your tools at your favorite fishing hole, then this is the product for you. The pin will not pop off your vest, it allows full arm extension, tools are easily disconnected or swapped, its real strong (27 kg / 60 lb break strength), and it has a fly patch for drying storage of flys, adheres to face of retractor. (Replacement fly patch included)

This unit costs a bit more than other zingers but why risk loosing your favorite tool because you saved a few bucks on a zinger that breaks or fails

A bit larger but a lot stronger than any other Zinger!
Stainless steel components survive in salt water environments
Quick Connect Split Ring allows quick and easy tool disconnection

Nylon Coated Stainless Steel Cable
Stainless Steel Spring and Hardware (Salt Water Proof)
71 cm (28 inch) Extension
85 gr. (3 oz.) Retraction Force
27,2 kg (60 lbs.) Breaking Strength

Mounting System
Pin Mount:
Threaded pin penetrates pocket, webbing strap or float tube pocket. Threads into back of Gear Keeper. Wont pop off!
Click for more information:
Price excl VAT/TVA/:  € 19,99
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